Make the Best of Your Board Meetings

How often have you thought to yourself, “Wow, what a great board meeting”? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess your answer is one of two things: “Not very often,” or, “Never.” That shouldn’t be the case. Your board is a collection of busy, important people. It’s your responsibility to make the […]
FrontlineCo is Growing with New Business Merger

For 20 years, we have prided ourselves in being BIG thinkers and providing business solutions for small to medium-sized organizations across the country. Looking back on 2020, it was challenging for many businesses, but we found ways to pivot, innovate and grow. On January 1 2020, we took a big leap and decided to merge with Williams […]
Demystifying Financials: What to Look For, What to Ask

Do you know where your association is headed? The answers lie in your financial reports. But what if you’re a volunteer board member who isn’t a whiz with numbers? You can still overcome your fear of figures and help your organization chart its path forward. Your financial reports serve as more than a historical record. […]
Avoid Association Horror Stories

In an association, it can be daunting to keep track of the many day-to-day details. But it’s vital to get a firm grasp on what each department or employee is doing. Mistakes can happen when one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing. If you’re not paying attention, oversights and even unscrupulous lapses in […]
Inclusivity. Do you have membership appeal?

What do potential members think when they look at your association? Do they feel included? Do you have membership appeal? Have you ever received an Evite and made your decision whether to attend the party based on a peek at the guest list? We all do it. It’s human nature to seek comfort in familiar […]
Top 6 Ways Association Leaders Can Step Up

Here’s something I’m sure won’t come as a surprise to you: being an association leader is hard. It’s important work, but every day brings new challenges. Your members depend on you to get it right. You can’t let them down. One way to avoid falling down on the job is to arm yourself with knowledge. […]
Association Management: The Ins, the Outs and the Advantages

Any organization is only as good as the team it has. Expertise and experience are put to the test every day, and when resources are scarce, it only becomes more obvious where the strengths and weaknesses lie. Is your team aware of all the tasks that need to be taken care of? Do they know […]
Association Boards and Staff: Mutual Respect = Maximum Effectiveness

Healthy internal relationships and mutual respect are critical to the success of any organization, and professional and trade associations are no exception. But those relationships can be incredibly difficult to manage. For associations, this rings especially true between board members and the staff. Blurred lines of responsibility can leave the two parties at odds. When […]
How to Use the Gig Economy to Your Advantage

Uber, Doordash, Fiverr… what does your organization have in common with these businesses? They all benefit from the emerging gig economy. And the good news is that your association, too, is in a position to take advantage of this opportunity. The evolving employment marketplace is now flooded with so-called “gig” workers, who are defined as […]
FrontlineCo Launches Sexual Harassment Prevention E-Training

Under the Illinois Workplace Transparency Act (WTA), employers with one or more employees must provide annual sexual harassment prevention training to all employees. In response, our team has developed an online education and tracking platform called FLCOEd to assist businesses, without a dedicated human resources department, remain compliant with sexual harassment prevention laws. To combat […]