FLCOEd – Frequently Asked Questions

Our robust education program was created in response to the common complaints we heard from Illinois business leaders that new regulatory requirements are difficult to complete and stressful to track over time.

We provide all Illinois mandated training courses and manage all employees’ certificates on our intuitive, easy to use online learning management software. Our online platform helps employers cost-effectively meet training requirements AND retain access to records 24/7 in the event of a compliance audit – all for one low price. 
What Is The Cost?

Our pricing is unique. Employers subscribe annually and pay a single flat fee based on their number of employees. There are no additional costs beyond the annual subscription and all courses we offer are included.

Pricing Tiers:

  • Up to 100 employees: $299/year
  • 101-250: $399
  • 251-500: $499
  • 501-1,000: $599
  • 1,001-1,500: $699
  • 1,501-2,000: $899
  • 2,001-2,500: $1,200
  • 2,501-3,000: $1,500
  • 3,001-3,500: $1,900
  • 3,501-4,000: $2,300
What Happens After I Sign Up?

You will have a form to available in FLCOEd for you to fill out with your company information. This form will be used to create your group and group code as well as setting up report scheduling.

Then What?

Once we receive your form, your specialized group will be created. You will receive an email within 3 business days with your group code. Your employees will use this code to access your group and the courses you selected
for them.

What If A Certificate Is Lost?

Simply log back into the system and access the certificate again.

How Are Reports Sent Out?

When you sign up, you will be asked to provide an email address to receive reports. Reports will be automatized to be sent to that email. You can select how often you receive the reports. Reports will include the employee’s name, the courses they are enrolled in, and when they completed the courses.

How Often Do I Need To Provide These Regulatory Trainings?

Illinois state law requires that employers provide Sexual Harassment Prevention Training annually to all employees each calendar year. More information is available HERE.  

Illinois state law requires that hotels and motel employers provide Human Trafficking Recognition Training every two years to all employees. More information is available HERE.

How Do I Know This Training Meets The State Requirements?

We have decades of experience in providing training courses that meet government requirements. The Illinois Department of Human Rights and Department of Human Services provided very specific guidance about the content required, and we relied heavily on that to create this course. Ultimately, it is the employer’s responsibility to make sure that the required training is provided, so we encourage you to review the requirements HERE. Also found, HERE.

How Will I Know Whether My Employees Have Participated?

Employers are required to provide the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training course to their employees each calendar year, while the Human Trafficking Recognition Training should be provided every two years and within six months after a new employee starts their position. As new course requirements are added or amended, FrontlineCo will update our platform to ensure our courses meet all minimum standards for any given year.

Do I Have To Purchase The Course Every Calendar Year?

Employers are required to provide the course to their employees each calendar year. As new course requirements are added or amended, FrontlineCo will be updating our platform to ensure our course meets all minimum standards for any given year.

For example, if you purchased our course in December of 2023, it will only meet the requirements for the
2023 calendar year. For you to meet next year’s requirements, you will need to purchase the course again to cover you in 2024.


Contact FrontlineCo today at (217)528-3434 for more information on how we can help you meet Illinois regulatory training requirements.

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