Association Boards and Staff: Mutual Respect = Maximum Effectiveness

Healthy internal relationships and mutual respect are critical to the success of any organization, and professional and trade associations are no exception. But those relationships can be incredibly difficult to manage. For associations, this rings especially true between board members and the staff. Blurred lines of responsibility can leave the two parties at odds. When […]

How to Use the Gig Economy to Your Advantage

Uber, Doordash, Fiverr… what does your organization have in common with these businesses? They all benefit from the emerging gig economy. And the good news is that your association, too, is in a position to take advantage of this opportunity. The evolving employment marketplace is now flooded with so-called “gig” workers, who are defined as […]

Making Sense of Association Management Systems

Wouldn’t it be great if shopping for an association management system were as simple as buying a new shirt? You find one, try it on and – if it fits – you buy it.  Unfortunately, finding the right AMS is a much bigger headache than a trip to the mall. There are many vendors to […]

Committed to Diversity? Prove it with a Board that Reflects Your Membership

When potential members look at your board of directors, do they see themselves represented? Today’s workforce looks quite different than it did just a few years ago. Most associations want to foster a diverse membership that reflects the makeup of the professionals in their industries. It’s a key strategic goal. Unfortunately, the answer is often […]

“To Live and Deliver Wow”: Lessons from a Visit to Zappos HQ

Kim Robinson, FrontlineCo Founder and President, had a great opportunity to spend the day at Zappos – a true innovator in customer service. As they put it, “We’re a customer service company that just happens to sell shoes, clothes, and stuff.” They have focused on a strong culture based on ten core values that permeate […]

Are You a good board member? 6 traits of effective volunteer leaders

You stepped up and took a leadership position as a member of the board for your industry association. That’s fantastic. It’s a great way to contribute to your profession while at the same time expanding your network and skill set. As a board member, it’s easy to get bogged down in meetings, emails, and committee […]

Allies Not Enemies: National and Local Association Chapters Need to Get Along

Are your association’s national office and local chapters working in harmony? If those two teams aren’t fully cooperating and communicating closely, you could be failing the most important people in your organization: your members. A disconnect between your divisions means vital data and valuable resources aren’t getting shared. Without that free exchange of information, the […]